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What is an Ecovillage

What is an Ecovillage: Text
What is an Ecovillage: Community

“These [places] are characterised by striving to take a systemic approach to integrating the human environment with the natural environment. Thus ecovillages aim to develop green buildings, grow organic food, use renewable energy, create a strong sense of community, use participatory governance system, and teach what they are learning through practical, hands-on methods.”
(Liz Walker, Ithaca Ecovillage)


 Ecovillages    are a manifestation of conscious human innovation and creativity: groups of people living out their principals, regenerating their environment, and increasing their sense of belonging and purpose as a community.

An ecovillage is an intentional, traditional or urban community that is consciously designed through locally owned, participatory processes in all four areas of regeneration (social, culture, ecology and economy) to regenerate their social and natural environments.
GEN (Global Ecovillage Network ) 


Ecovillage & Co-housing Models

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What is an Ecovillage: Pro Gallery
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